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Student Engagement


The State of the Student: Adjusting to the "new normal"...and all that comes with it


What does the higher education landscape look like in a world coming out of a global pandemic? Explore the top 5 trends facing students and instructors today, and recommendations to improve students' education experiences.

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Students or Bots?


Students or Bots? Who's doing the work in your courses?


The rise of easily accessible artificial intelligence tools brings issues of academic integrity to the forefront for instructors. How can educators ensure academic integrity in their course and cope with new cheating methods? We invited experts for a Q&A to discuss this new landscape.

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6 Pillars of Online Teaching


Best practices for implemeting "The Six Pillars of Online Teaching"


Struggling to initiate connection, engagement, and motivation in your online students? Listen in as instructors share their tested methods of teaching successfully online.

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